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The Art of Play: Reconnecting With Your Inner Child Through Acrylic Painting.

As children, we naturally approached creativity with curiosity, joy, and a sense of freedom. Doesn't that sound fabulous? How do we tap back into this playful spirit to refresh our creative practice, reduce stress, and break free from perfectionism? That is what we learn to cultivate in my acrylic painting classes this fall. We will explore how acrylic painting can be a tool for embracing spontaneity, experimenting without fear, and finding joy in the process of making art.

The biggest lesson I try to teach is to let go of perfectionism. Perfectionism in art has great potential to stifle your creativity. It's hard to let go and enjoy the process when you are scared of making a mistake.

Mistakes are a natural and valuable part of the creative process. Most of us will remember watching Bob Ross on TV, and his "happy little mistakes" that became part of his painting. Creating art without fearing judgment requires effort and practice. However, I can assure you that by adopting this approach, you can liberate yourself and enhance your creativity in a more enjoyable manner. This mindset will also extend to your everyday activities. If we all practiced giving ourselves grace, what a world we would live in!

You might be thinking, what does this look like in class? My classroom is in my studio, a sacred space to me, that I love sharing with my students. It's a safe space, dedicated to play, curiosity, and experimentation. Being in this space, with me, can help shift one's mindset. My only rule is no negative talk, keep it positive and be curious. You might feel uncomfortable at times about your work, but guess what, we all do. Encourage yourself and others to keep exploring, keep playing. The paintings we will be making don't have a known outcome. It's hard to think you aren't doing it "right" or it isn't "good enough" if you don't know what the outcome is. Learning to paint is building a skill, it takes practice and repetition.

Displayed below are fantastic illustrations created by some of my students. They were made using acrylic paints on paper, with the help of palette knives, brushes, chop sticks, pencils and stencils, resulting in wonderful abstract creations.

Classes start this THURSDAY! I still have a few spaces left in each class, please sign up today!

If you are unable to take an in-person class at this time, visit my website and take my free online class or sign up for a Paint & Chill. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Remember, give yourself grace and just do it! Whatever the thing is you want to do, make the first move towards it today, don't wait!

Happy making~

Katie O'Rourke

Our daughter Riley and I at a wedding last week in Vermont.


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